As Christians, we need to watch what we say. Our words are like seeds we sow. If we speak God’s words, we will harvest a good life filled with blessings. If we speak like the world speaks, we will end up destroying ourselves (Proverbs 18:21a KJV and Proverbs 21:23 KJV).
God doesn’t speak at all like the world speaks. He speaks in promises. He tells us the truth about unseen things that He has put in place to bless us. We see what the world says about life, but God is asking us to believe that He has much better things planned for us than the world could ever offer (I Corinthians 2:9 NLT).
Our God is interactive. This means He does things with us. Our part in this relationship is to believe God that we will receive what we are asking Him for and to thank Him for it before we see it in the natural. God’s job is to respond to our faith by causing what we hope for to actually happen (Hebrews 11:1 NLT).
These confession cards are based on things God has said about our relationship with Him and promises He has made to us because of that relationship. They will help you train your mouth to speak as God speaks so that you will be in the right place to receive from Him. Each confession comes with its scripture reference so you can compare my interpretation to what God actually said in His Word.
There are three pages. If you want to print them out as cards you can carry in your pocket, I suggest you print them on Avery Glossy Two-side Printable Clean Edge Business Cards – Template 8859.
The link to the cards is Confessions for Spiritual Growth.
I hope these cards will bless you!